You may seen us online, at conventions and our studio work.
Some behind the scenes. We been caught in a culture and cancel war by weirdos and far left extremists online. We had threats and been harassed for couple years now.
We will never ever surrender. They can call police, try to cancel us and harass and stalk us all they want. We are rent free in their minds. We will not surrender. We have god on our side.
We left people alone since 2023. I had not contacted or replied to rasiain, soylent and cosplayers since. I offered peacetreating and handsakes but they refused. We blocked and avoid each other.
They been stalking, harassing and bothering me, my fans and studio since.
When we leave people alone. We leave them alone. We contacted major people and cons about incidents. They said some anti anti stuff about usa, america, me, jewish, christians and admmited to stalking me for 2 years.
We are in this fight together.
They will not cancel me.
We will fight till the end.
We will never surrender.
We have god on our side.
I go to local conventions, I help people and homeless, i pay taxes and support things. I travel and learn unlike them.
Never Surrender.
Thank you. SolOrion Studios. SolBrando, out......